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This is the tenth consecutive year that Stahl has confirmed its support to the United Nations Global Compact and its ten principles in the areas of Human Rights, Labor, Environment and Anti-Corruption.
Stahl’s commitment to UNGC
United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress Index
Stahl adopted the core values in our Code of Conduct in 2014. In this report we share our efforts, activities and progress made with our stakeholders. You can find Stahl’s previous Communications on Progress on the UNGC website.
The table below highlights our efforts related to each of the UNGC Principles, and where you can find them in this report.
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This is the tenth consecutive year that Stahl has confirmed its support to the United Nations Global Compact and its ten principles in the areas of Human Rights, Labor, Environment and Anti-Corruption.
Stahl’s commitment to UNGC
United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress Index
Stahl adopted the core values in our Code of Conduct in 2014. In this report we share our efforts, activities and progress made with our stakeholders. You can find Stahl’s previous Communications on Progress on the UNGC website.
The table below highlights our efforts related to each of the UNGC Principles, and where you can find them in this report.